Saturday, June 28, 2014

Just a thought

Being optimistic means one's general disposition is to see the best possible outcome of things.Does not let himself get blinded by the opposite pole which is negativity. Knows there is reality which could be either. Being optimistic does not make one stupid even when things are obviously steering to the opposite side. It simply means one refuses to be boxed inside other's own perspectives.

Friday, June 27, 2014


It’s a battle
The heart against senses
A feud between
Reason and intuition
Where words engage
In amorous play
And minds imagine
Of wanton days
In darkness there lingers
A light, a flame
In silence
Though good
 Delays the game
In hope
One marvels on epiphany
Though truth shall be
Without melody
Feelings, words unspoken
Seem so loud
Curses the lips the spell

Was bound

Monday, June 23, 2014

Redefining My Philosophy: Love, Lost, Pain and Everything Else in Between

On Love.

Defining the undefiable is foolish, redefining is an idiot's idea (mine). Cliche and still hangs as a perpetual question--- a perpetual pain in the ass.

As I 've said once, not a soul rests without  asking or speaking the four letter word. Even the most unromantic person (could be you) in history may have had and underlying long time affair with the word. Asking questions like what we always hear in movies, "Is there really love?", "Is this really love?" and still not knowing the answer, gave up and proclaimed himself non-believer.
Let's see, in literature love is often defined as an "intense" feeling of "deep" affection (superlative not optional), a "deep" romantic or sexual attachment (put that raised eyebrow down) to someone. And in sports, it simply means a score of zero.
But have you ever in your one freakin' life, sat down with a dictionary in hand, turned to the L-O page to define and help you define what you are feeling (I know I have.)? And seeing the words "affection", "attachment" or even "sexual" (c'mon!), decided that you are most definitely are in love? (Ha! Guilty!)
"Making love out of nothing at all " might be their motto or "Love will keep us alive" as their anthem. Always hoping and dreaming that fate will find someone perfect for them.
I know there are some "i-don't-know-what-to-believe-in-anymore"'s who are on the edge of passing a bill to make the L word a taboo. The broken-hearted, forever-waiting in vain and haters (but not really).
Thus my theory remains: Not a soul in his lifetime rests without the L-word affecting his system or even spoke of it once.

On Lost and Pain

You might be thinking, "what the hell am I doing reading this crap of fucking nonsense?" Might be two things: (1) You could relate (2) you're freakin' bored.

Losing someone or something has got to be one of life's greatest trials. Anyone who have had experienced loss may tell you it's like stripping you off naked then deserting you in a lone island in the middle of a storm. I thought physical pain was painful. But emotional pain was torture. One would cry,curse of the pain, have strings of what-if's, but's and why's. Even attempt to end the suffering. Most especially if your whole world revolved around that certain person, your first thought would be "how would I live without him?", you would say that you'd move heaven and earth just to get him back (though reality check, you couldn't. But who wouldn't?) Because we are so used to that fact that they're always gonna be right there, we don't want to be without them anymore. Because you were happy and maybe you felt complete. And you never thought it would be taken away that easily.
Loss. It is a gift borrowed and taken away just as you thought it was all yours for the taking. Because losing means you "owned", maybe for awhile it was yours. Consider yourself lucky for owning what most can't even find, doesn't even know they want or need. Savor the pain and memories then, move on.


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